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The two dividends in the double‐dividend hypothesis are assumed to be independent. This assumption can be misleading when it comes to formulating policy. I construct a model where the pollution tax rate is voted for by heterogeneous people. In addition to the revenue‐recycling effect, the equilibrium pollution tax rate depends on two opposite forces: the tax‐cutting effect and the profit effect. The two forces show that an instrument that exploits a greater revenue‐recycling effect can cause a more severe environmental deterioration, thereby resulting in the infeasibility of the hypothesis. The introduction of the interdependence between the two dividends can also mean that non‐revenue‐raising instruments are more efficient than revenue‐raising instruments.  相似文献   

Tourists’ hotel event experiences have received little attention in tourism research. By proposing an integrated model of expectation–confirmation theory (ECT) and the experience economy concept, this research explores the relationship between tourists’ event experience and their satisfaction regarding the hotel event setting. The hypothesized model was empirically validated using a sample of 663 tourists who experienced a holiday event at a resort hotel. Results confirmed that the integration of the experience economy and ECT provided a better understanding of tourists’ post-satisfaction in a pleasure-driven setting. This affective–cognitive approach advances the knowledge of tourists’ experiences and satisfaction at hotel events.  相似文献   
Airbnb has been the subject of heated discussions among tourism and hospitality scholars. In order to understand the true impact of P2Psharing on the tourism and hospitality landscape, it is important to understand that market in detail first. Therefore, in this paper, we explore the development of the Airbnb market over the last seven years in Paris, the most popular destination for Airbnb guests with more than 40,000 accommodation rentals. This research note is a summary of our findings on the Paris market. Our study shows different growth and seasonality patterns for Airbnb and hotels and dissimilarities in the geographical location of the offers. The findings indicate that the two products are not in direct competition and that their relationship might be more complex than previously thought. We trust that exploring the nature of the competitive relationship would be a valuable avenue for further investigation.  相似文献   
湖南省农业生态与农业经济耦合性测度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]考察湖南省近9年来农业生态与农业经济系统耦合发展现状,探究二者发展过程中的规律,以期找出二者协调发展模式,并为湖南省农业生态环境保护、农业经济发展提供决策依据。[方法]运用耦合协调度模型,基于熵权法为各指标进行客观确定权重,结合2007~2015年湖南省农业生态与农业经济发展的相关数据,确定农业生态与农业经济的耦合匹配分析模型,采用熵值赋权法确定各项指标的权重,构建农业生态—农业经济耦合协调评价指标体系。[结果]研究结果表明,2007~2015年湖南省农业生态与农业经济的耦合协调发展基本稳定,耦合度值均在0.9以上,二者呈协调发展趋势。其中,2014年和2015年二者的耦合度较高,分别为0.975 3和0.984 3,说明湖南省在这两年的农业生态与农业经济的协调性好,农业经济与农业生态能够相互有效促进彼此的发展。同时,仍需时刻关注生态环境的承载力,降低对自然资源的无序攫取,实现经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
农民宅基地退出差异性受偿意愿及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:宅基地退出工作能否顺利推进与退地补偿息息相关,研究宅基地退出中农民差异性受偿意愿及其影响因素,以服务决策。研究方法:基于重庆市890份农民实地调查数据,应用多元离散选择模型(Logit)进行定量研究。研究结果:(1)传统农区的农民更愿意选择货币补偿;城乡结合部(街道办)的农民更愿意选择安置补偿;农民修建补偿选择率总体偏低,区位差异并不明显;(2)农民货币受偿意愿影响因素主要包括受教育程度、家庭主要成员是否定居城镇、非农务工收入、新居住地适应性;(3)农民安置受偿意愿影响因素主要包括年龄、农房是否自住、退地补偿是否有截留、村基础设施状况;(4)农民修建受偿意愿影响因素主要包括农房造价、农房是否新建、退地补偿是否有截留;(5)影响农民受偿意愿的因素存在较大差异,同一因素可能对农民选择受偿意愿产生不同的影响,但没有一个自变量同时对三个因变量产生显著影响。研究结论:应针对农民受偿意愿差异及其影响因素,实行产异化的补偿措施,在经济发展相对滞后的传统地区,强化村落基础设施建设的同时,加大现金补偿力度。对于经济较为发达、区位条件较好的城乡结合部地区,应加大安置补偿力度,以保障退地农民的居住权。  相似文献   
研究目的:基于2007—2016年26省农业生产数据,测算"面源污染"和"碳排放"两类非期望产出下的农业环境效率,构建"耕地流转—利用规模—利用方式与利用强度—农业环境效率"的传导路径并进行计量检验。研究方法:超效率SBM模型,中介效应模型。研究结果:(1)耕地流转并未显著提高农业环境效率,但耕地利用规模对农业环境效率的影响呈倒U型;(2)耕地流转有助于扩大耕地利用规模,进而在样本中对农业环境效率呈现负向影响。与此同时,耕地流转对农业环境效率也存在正向的直接效应,正负效应基本抵消;(3)耕地利用规模主要通过改变化肥和机械投入强度进而负向影响农业环境效率。研究结论:农业环境效率受耕地流转、利用规模、利用方式和强度等多重因素影响,呈现明显的传导路径,因此,为了提高农业环境效率,在积极推行土地流转和规模化经营政策时,要注意结合地区农业生产力和地理环境,避免盲目扩大经营规模,同时鼓励规模经营主体引进农业绿色环保技术,注重农业生产资料的合理利用。  相似文献   
Great hopes have been placed in the sharing economy to provide a new business model based on peer-to-peer (P2P) exchanges of underutilized assets. As a model, the sharing economy has been expected to make significant contributions to sustainability, providing new opportunities for entrepreneurship, more sustainable use of resources, and consumer co-operation in tight economic networks. However, in recent years, digital platforms have turned into the most important actors in the global sharing economy, turning global corporations, such as AirBnB, Booking, or TripAdvisor into intermediaries controlling and profiting from most transactions. Focused on accommodation, this paper conceptualizes the sharing economy in comparison to the wider collaborative economy, and discusses its social, economic, environmental, and political impacts in comparison to the sustainable development goals. It concludes that the sharing economy has great potential to make very significant contributions to sustainability, though the model is increasingly being replaced by the collaborative economy, which performs as an extension and acceleration of neoliberal economic practices.  相似文献   
[目的]明确农药施用与农业经济增长关联状态及其影响因素,为实现"控药减害增收"的目标提供借鉴。[方法]基于2005—2015年数据利用脱钩理论和对数平均分解指数法分解进行分析。[结果]中国农业经济增长伴生大量农药施用,仅少数省域表现出农药施用和农业经济增长扩张绝对脱钩的理想状态,东北西北部分省域农业经济增长则以更大幅度的农药投入增长为代价。中西部地区劳动力规模和技术进步效应是推动农药施用与农业经济增长脱钩的因素;东部地区种植规模变化、劳动力规模和技术进步因素均是推动农药施用和农业经济增长脱钩的因素;东北地区仅劳动力规模效应成为推动脱钩的力量。[结论]推动农药施用与农业经济增长脱钩需要强化农业科技的创新与普及,完善农业生产过程中的技术支撑,推动农业病虫害监测预警,加大对环境友好型低污染农药和肥料的推广度;构建农户施药的多重约束机制,完善农业病虫灾害保险减少农户对生产过程的风险感知,发挥农业合作社对农户施药行为的规制作用,完善产品分级认证和安全准入制度;通过农地合理流转和农业机械化等方式集约利用农业生产资源;因地制宜推动农药施用与农业经济增长脱钩,结合区域资源优势和农业发展阶段有针对性地设计对策措施。  相似文献   
为了深入研究不同类型财政政策对宏观经济的影响效应,本文构建纳入异质性家庭和细化财税工具的新凯恩斯DSGE模型,并着重模拟分析了不同类型财政政策冲击对居民消费、私人投资、通胀率以及总产出水平的动态影响效应。研究结果表明,不同类型财税工具对宏观经济的冲击效果存在显著差异,对于税收政策,劳动收入税减税能够有助于提升消费水平和消费需求,并调节和完善消费结构;而对于政府支出政策,转移支付规模的扩张通过刺激家庭消费,引导消费内需有效提升,从而带动经济增长方式由投资驱动型向消费驱动型转变,进而推动经济高质量发展。  相似文献   
We examine transfers from Russia’s federal government to the regions during the two recent economic crises. We show that while federal transfers in 2009 were large and targeted poorer regions, the 2014–2015 transfers were much smaller and not targeted. This policy shift was accompanied by a relatively greater decline in own revenues in the poorer regions and their worse economic performance overall. As a result, interregional budget expenditure inequality in Russia was significantly higher in 2014–2015 than it had been for years. This is important because regional budgets are responsible for a large share of investments, housing, education and healthcare.  相似文献   
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